Airfield Management Career Field implements C2IMERA Business Rules
By Richard Blumenstein, Public Affairs Officer, Kessel Run
BOSTON (January 19, 2023) – The Air Force Flight Standard Agency published official business rules and information for Kessel Run’s C2IMERA and disseminated them across the Airfield Management Career Field this past October.
Headquarters Air Force Flight Standards Agency (HQ AFFSA) has the mission to provide strategic support to enable global combat power to the joint warfighter. The Airfield Management Career Field is responsible for providing a safe, efficient and effective airfield environment for aircraft operations. C2IMERA, which stands for Command and Control Incident Management Emergency Response Application, is an application focused on reporting, planning, force generation, emergency management, and command and control monitoring and execution.
“The use of this program is a significant step forward for us as Airfield Management is in need of modernization and streamlined processes to enhance our core capabilities and improve situational awareness,” said Chief Master Sgt. Sherri Knotts, the chief of Airfield Management Operations, Procedures and Training for HQ AFFSA. “The C2IMERA program holds a lot of hope for the 1C7X1 Airfield Management Career Field.”
The business rules disseminated by HQ AFFSA serve to provide guidance and standardization on key features of C2IMERA for the Airmen. They provide simplified explanations as well as tips for efficiency for installations that have on boarded and are actively using the application.
“When C2IMERA has been integrated across an installation, the efficiencies are noticeable immediately, for all aspects of the mission, whether it be for flying operations or normal around the installation,” Knotts said. “When all agencies are using C2IMERA, phone calls are reduced or nearly eliminated with the applications automatic notifications.”
In 2021, Air Combatant Command and Air Mobility Command both directed C2IMERA for use across their installations. Now, the application is used by 66 Air Force Installations and more than 100 forward operating bases across the world, according to Gwenn Haden, the C2IMERA program manager with Kessel Run.
“This is a huge step toward Air Force wide adoption of C2IMERA,” Haden said. “I think AFFSA issuing these business rules is a result of the relationships and trust we’ve built with them and our users.”
AFFSA is a field operating agency responsible to Air Force A3 and headquartered at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. They provide strategic support to enable global combat power for the joint warfighter. As the lead agency for Airfield Operations, AFFSA focuses on the systems, software, and strategic support given to operational commanders.
Kessel Run is a Division within Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s Digital Directorate. Kessel Run is a Agile Software Development unit building a scalable software factory to architect, manufacture and operate Wing and Operational level Command and Control systems.
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