C2IMERA designated as the standard for two Air Force MAJCOMS
By Kessel Run Public Affairs
BOSTON (August 8, 2023) – Two Air Force major commands have designated application as the standard for developing a common operating picture for their installations.
Air Combat Command and Air Mobility Command each published “concept of employment” directives that standardizes the operational use of the Command and Control Incident Management Emergency Response Application, or C2IMERA.
“C2IMERA is rapidly becoming the standard installation command and control tool across the Air Force for installation-level command and control,” said Gen. Mark D. Kelly, the commander of Air Combat Command, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. “ACC views C2IMERA as a foundational JADC2 (Joint All Domain Command and Control) capability, automating the aggregation of flight-line, squadron, and wing data needed to build and execute air/integrated tasking orders.”
C2IMERA is an application focused on reporting, planning, force generation, emergency management, and command and control monitoring and execution. The application is managed by Kessel Run and employed throughout the world. Currently, the application is used by 70 Air Force installations and more than 100 forward operating bases. Kessel Run plans to expand the application to every Air Force installation.
“The commander’s intent is for C2IMERA to be part of the day-to-day business process, normalizing its use throughout AMC,” said Maj. Gen. David J. Sanford, the director of Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. “Per AMC Directive 22-001, C2IMERA implementation, units will use this system to deliver location specific information supporting friendly order of battle data. C2IMERA will provide enhanced situational awareness for the AMC commander and command-wide leaders to make decisions and provide direction.”
Additionally, C2IMERA is a “core program” aligned under the newly established Department of the Air Force Integrating Program Executive Officer for Command, Control, Communications and Battle Management. Core programs are the capabilities needed to build the “DAF BATTLE NETWORK,” an integrated system of systems fusing command and control nodes, sensors, and shooters across air and space.
C2IMERA provides the capability to aggregate base and wing-level information to expedite command-level decisions whether at headquarters, in garrison, or in a deployed environment. The primary purpose of C2IMERA is to conduct C2, allowing commanders and their staffs to issue directives, plan and coordinate operations, conduct and track personnel recalls, accountability and status, and rapidly communicate to C2 personnel through a near real-time live-fed common picture.
The application uses a common operating picture and dashboarding capabilities as communication tools, which consolidates and shares information for leaders, and boasts a plethora of features to provide C2 capabilities. These tools are customizable and optimized based on the individual needs of the installation and also focus on updating and communicating data in real-time to give commanders a constant picture of their installations, environment, assets and personnel.
“C2IMERA continues to expand to more bases worldwide to improve situational awareness for the warfighter,” said Col. Richard Lopez, Kessel Run’s senior materiel leader. “C2IMERA is a good example of how close coordination with users and with our vendor partner leads to delivered operational capability. ”
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