Press Release
BOSTON (20 Oct 2021) – Air Combat Command and Kessel Run signed a user agreement Sept. 30, outlining the details of how the software development and acquisitions unit will operationally support the major command.
This is the first user agreement signed between a Major Air Force Command and a software factory under DoDI 5000.87 Operation Of The Software Acquisition Pathway. Its signing showcases the advances that have been made by Kessel Run toward modernizing the Air Operation Center (AOC) Weapon System. The User Agreement formalizes the existing relationship between ACC and Kessel Run.
“We now have the foundation for pushing out war-winning capability to joint force commanders at the speed of need,” said Jacquelynn Torson, the test and integration chief with Kessel Run. “We published a memo called the ‘Guardianship Model’ in November of last year, the User Agreement is an iteration on that. It enhances our relationship with ACC because it provides our commitment to them. We will be including them in every step of the way to deliver the operational capabilities they need and want.”
The United States Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Detachment 12, also known as Kessel Run, has a proven track record in enhancing efficiency, saving cost and modernizing the way the Air Force operates with its agile software development. With its user-centered approach to development, Kessel Run’s mission is to rapidly deliver combat capabilities to warfighters and revolutionize the Air Force software acquisition process.
“We have an ever-evolving, battle tested and proven method for delivering operational capabilities through our applications,” said Col. Brian Beachkofski, commander of Kessel Run. “Kessel Run’s applications are operational, and this user agreement outlines how we will enhance ACC with these capabilities.”
Air Force Life Cycle Management CenterDetachment 12, Kessel Run
Media and Communications Engagement